The Basics
These are some basic tips you can use as a traveler, whether flying solo or
with a friend.
Lodging and Travel
Transportation and hotels are likely to be a big part of any trip, so make
sure you take the necessary precautions when traveling alone to ensure your safety.
Traveling alone can be a rewarding and exciting experience, as it forces you
to make new friends and allows you to make your own agendas without worrying about what someone else wants to do. Unfortunately, traveling solo can also be dangerous if you don’t take the appropriate precautions. Use these 40 or so tips to help keep your next solo adventure safe and happy. For Women
Unfortunately, women often face special challenges when traveling alone that
men might not. Here are some tips to make traveling alone less daunting.
Protecting Your Valuables
While losing your valuables isn’t the end of the world, it sure can ruin a
what would have otherwise been a great trip. Use these tips to help keep your stuff safe while you’re away from home.